A large figure sat alone in the dark room. Eru assumed this was Brown. Shadows covered his face until a blast of lightning briefly lit it up. From the quick glance at Brown, Eru could tell that he was not okay. His face was pale and sweat was dripping down off of it.
Continue reading Business as Usual
Category Archives: Writings
They made their way through a maze of hallways and rooms. Eru wasn’t sure how long he could remember the way back. Hopefully Basq had an exit plan. There was no one around the rooms were empty and guards didn’t seem to be in this area yet. Eru was beginning to warm up and he was mostly dry now.
Basq motioned for them to stop. There was a large round room ahead with a high ceiling. Guards were positioned around the room. The room was dark but lit up with each lightning strike. Some large doors were closed and protected by many more guards.
Continue reading Showdown
“Let’s go quick,” Basq commanded to the the group as he got back. A strike of lightning lit up the hill momentarily. No one was on the hill yet that they could see. “The guards will be checking here soon, if we are lucky they will be a little slow just assuming the storm caused it”
They scampered out onto the hill trying to run up it as quick as possible. The grass and mud was slippery. Each step would slide a little backwards. The rain pounded their faces making it tough to see far ahead. Another bolt of lightning went across the sky lighting the hill up with them on it.
Continue reading Climbing
The day went quickly enough. The location given to them by Basq was an open square. Most likely not the actual place but a rendezvous point. They could be sniped down there but they could be sniped anywhere. It didn’t really matter what Basq had planned for them they had to go and be alert.
They waited there now. They were wearing some loose fitting clothing that didn’t draw attention to themselves and could easily fight in without getting in the way. The sun was beginning to set, colors weren’t as sharp as midday and the sky had a warm glow to it. A breeze was beginning to pick up that cooled down the air.
Continue reading Thunder
Basq introduced himself to the table. Eru and Charmalina gave their names to Basq. Eru wondered what his job really was. He decided at this point in time he was a truth seeker. The deeper he got into finding what was going on, the less he seemed to know. Lost in his thoughts, Charmalina started to explain what they had seen earlier with Basq and Senator Stillman.
Continue reading Teatime
Fine Dining
Charmalina knew that Basq was a famous bounty hunter. He was a true professional. He played no games unless you tried something on him. If you didn’t pay him what you said you would, you would pay the consequences. Through some contacts they found that Basq frequented a club in the city and you could talk to him there. That’s where they would go, they just wanted information about the senator. No one had even tried to arrest Basq before as there was no proof of what he did and he was rumored to have good lawyers and connections everywhere.
Continue reading Fine Dining
The train eventually came and provided a welcome cool and shady place. The heat had become unbearable outside and was even worse inside the broken train. People squished onto the new train as it was about half the size of the one that had been carrying them before the derailment. The train ride seemed long Eru thought, probably because he had to stand the whole way and just wanted to get to the city.
Continue reading Politics
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
At the market everything seemed normal. People buying goods, birds chirping, the sun shining nothing was out of place. It was like the explosion hadn’t really happened, though when Eru looked off into the distance towards Charmalina’s apartment he could still see the dust and smoke rising through the air.
Continue reading Planes, Trains & Automobiles
An Early Morning Walk
Arriving outside the smoke and dust surprised them as they left Charmalina’s building. Dark smoke came from the building that was no more and the dust from the building was slowly making its way to the ground. The combined effects made the morning light dull and not very bright. Eru and Charmalina made their way closer to the building. It was not a pretty sight. It was a professional job though, all the other buildings around were left untouched and unharmed. Not many people inside the building could have survived.
Continue reading An Early Morning Walk
They arrived at an apartment, maybe it was her main one, maybe she had multiple places, Eru wasn’t sure. It was nicely decorated and looked like a girl lived there. Charmalina made him sit in a comfy chair and asked him if he wanted a drink.
“Sure a water would be good.” Charmalina returned with a nice cold glass of water with ice for Eru and one for herself as well.
“Here you go. I’m thirsty too, lucky that fight wasn’t too big. I am glad you can handle yourself well.” She sat down on a couch across from him.
Continue reading Rest