Category Archives: Random

2014 Canada Day

This Canada Day, I decided I wanted to practice with my camera and learn how to do fireworks pictures.
In the afternoon I took a walk around the Legislature and area to get an idea of where I wanted to be and where others were.
Ultimately I decided I would try from my brother’s balcony.
I went back to my place, got my tripod and remote shutter and went back to his place.

At 11pm the bridge lit up for the first time and there were some other fireworks at other locations going on in the background.
About 5 minutes later the fireworks started. Unfortunately about half the fireworks were behind a building but I still got some nice shots and learned some things that I needed to figure out.
See the pictures below: Continue reading 2014 Canada Day

2013 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

On New Year’s Eve we invited Erin’s parents over for supper.
We made lobster. We had two lobsters for the 4 of us and they turned out really good.
After the lobster we had a bean salad from the cookbook I gave Erin for Christmas, steamed asparagus, a shrimp ring, Caesar salad and roasted potatoes.
For dessert we had pumpkin pie that Erin’s mum had made. It was all scrumptious.
We played some Dominion after supper and dishes. As it got closer to midnight we had Champagne that Erin’s parents had brought. We put on our snow clothes and headed to Churchill Square to see the fireworks. It was cold out but not too bad as we were dressed warm, got their as the fireworks just started and then walked back to my place.
Click below to see the firework’s photos! Continue reading 2013 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

Ninja Cookies

Yesterday with Aidyn we made some gluten free cookies. His mum made the dough and we rolled it out, cut, baked and decorated them. We used the ninja cookie cutters I got from Erin and also an Easter egg and Easter bunny one.

Below you can see some of the results of my cookies:
[smugmug url=”″ title=”Cookies” description=”2012-03-24″ imagecount=”1″ start=”1″ num=”1″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”false” sort=”false” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]