All posts by pfink


The train eventually came and provided a welcome cool and shady place. The heat had become unbearable outside and was even worse inside the broken train. People squished onto the new train as it was about half the size of the one that had been carrying them before the derailment. The train ride seemed long Eru thought, probably because he had to stand the whole way and just wanted to get to the city.
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An Early Morning Walk

Arriving outside the smoke and dust surprised them as they left Charmalina’s building. Dark smoke came from the building that was no more and the dust from the building was slowly making its way to the ground. The combined effects made the morning light dull and not very bright. Eru and Charmalina made their way closer to the building. It was not a pretty sight. It was a professional job though, all the other buildings around were left untouched and unharmed. Not many people inside the building could have survived.
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They arrived at an apartment, maybe it was her main one, maybe she had multiple places, Eru wasn’t sure. It was nicely decorated and looked like a girl lived there. Charmalina made him sit in a comfy chair and asked him if he wanted a drink.

“Sure a water would be good.” Charmalina returned with a nice cold glass of water with ice for Eru and one for herself as well.

“Here you go. I’m thirsty too, lucky that fight wasn’t too big. I am glad you can handle yourself well.” She sat down on a couch across from him.
Continue reading Rest

The intruder

After getting off the bus and walking up to his place, Eru sensed something was amiss. Someone was in his place or had been in since he was gone. The door was not closed the way Eru had left it. Eru decided to enter as he normally would and put down his book on the floor. He saw the intruder, a scruffy looking guy around his size, and ducked as the intruder threw something at him. They were darts of some kind and missed Eru sticking into the door behind him.
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The market

There was no training for Eru. The council just told him where to go and they would contact him later when necessary. Though he did not need to work, Eru decided it was best to get a job to fit in with the locals. He had never been to this city before. It was far larger and busier then most cities but he had been to many a big city for his fights. A big city was easier to fit into he thought. He was just one of many new people arriving to make some money. He quickly got a factory job and a small place to live.
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The fight

The room got dark, real dark. Eru blinked his eyes trying to adjust to the darkness and quietly moved from where he was. Listening closely Eru could hear gentle footsteps approaching to where he was. It was couple of minutes since they had given him 5 minutes. “I guess it starts now” he laughed in his head.Eru decided he would try and get around the footsteps that he heard. He quietly was slinking to get the footsteps in between his equipment which he had left on the ground and himself.Eru paused for a minute looking around listening intently if there was anyone else around. He couldn’t hear anything else and he couldn’t see anything.
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The story begins…

Eru entered the change room nervous. His stomach was tied up in knots. He went and relieved himself in the washroom but that was no help. In his mind Eru knew that he should not be so nervous before a big fight. Waiting was the hardest part for him. One the match started it would be painful and push himself physically but he had to make sure he was ready for that. He went to the water fountain took a sip of water. Just enough to not be dehydrated but not to much to slow him down.
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