All posts by pfink

July Long Weekend

This past weekend I went with Erin’s family to there cabin in Cadomin.
On the Friday, Erin and I went on a hike that was about 10 km or so long. It was called Prospect Creek Trail. It was quite nice but a little more work then I thought. Sometimes we had to go through brush or up some big ledges to continue on the trail.

Saturday we celebrated Erin’s birthday by going geocaching with her family. We went to 3 different sites and found 2 of them. The one at Mountain Park was probably mined away. We also went to one at the Cardinal divide that Erin and her dad found before and they let us find it. The third and final one was at Grave Flats lookout which needed a 4wd vehicle to go up the road and then a small hike and some searching in trees to find the geocache. There were spectacular views at the top. It is quite high.

To make things interesting on the way back as a passenger in the front, a rock or something hit the rav4 as a semi was coming towards us. It made a big crack in the windshield and sprayed some glass on me. Thankfully everything was ok and we were able to continue on with me now in the backseat.

The weather was pretty good. Not too hot and not too cold. Though on our hike in Prospect Creek it was snowing a little bit when the sun was out. It was the nicest I had seen it in Cadomin. On Saturday we were able to sit out by the fire and it wasn’t too windy!

I have been using lightroom to edit my pictures some and get some more of the details out of the pictures.

Click the link to see the photos of the trip: Continue reading July Long Weekend

Indian Food

For our one year anniversary on Thursday, Erin gave me an Indian cookbook and some spices in jars. The book is called “An invitation to Indian cooking” by Madhur Jaffrey. According to the cover it is “perhaps the best Indian cookbook available in English.” Erin came up with some recipes that sounded good for us to try:
Shrimp pullao
Potato patties (aloo-ki-tikiya)
and Naan (We didn’t bake naan just bought it)

It took awhile to make everything, the potato pancakes took a while. Everything turned out quite good, the potato patties were quite salty. We think we can use way less salt next time! As part of our cooking we made sure to break in the cookbook by spilling milk on it.

Below are some photos of the food and getting ready: Continue reading Indian Food

Delft, Arnhem and More

So I arrived back in Edmonton on May 22 to end a great trip.

All my pictures are now up, still unorganized but I am working on that. I will rotate them and say where they are from.
And added a new gallery:

Some things we did from my last post:

    Went to Delft to see the town, delftware and a botanical gardens
    Visted some of Erin’s relatives in Alphen aan den Rijn
    Went to Arnhem to see a ballet and to Ooseterbeek to see memorial and graves for Operation Market Garden
    Went to Keukenhof – very large tulip/flower garden/tourist park
    Went to The Hague again to see some of the buildings and museums and tours
    Went to Amsterdam again to walk around, get candy and go to the NEMO Science Centre

Katwijk aan Zee

We made it to Katwijk aan Zee by taking a train to Leiden and then a bus to the coast. We got our rooms in a nice hotel with an ocean view. We went for a walk along the sea. It has been quite windy here and cooler weather than we had before.

The next day we went to The Hague by bus. We were now with Erin’s uncle and his girlfriend. We went to Scheveningen which is a beach/touristy area. We then slowly tried to find our way to Erin’s grandparents old house. After many wrong trains, walking, etc we found it and made our way back much easier.

Today Erin wasn’t feeling well so we took a day off and have just rested in the hotel.

I have added some pictures to:
And added a new gallery:


We managed to make it to Utrecht and found our hostel. Streets are always fun to find and when you have a big backpack on it gets even more fun.

In Maastricht we did do the canal cruise which we weren’t overly impressed with but did another cave/tunnel tour in a different spot and it was excellent! The guide got to do the tour in English because there was only a couple from Quebec, us and a guy from Malaysia who lived in Australia. The guide did a great job and had a lot to say.

After the tour we took the train to Utrecht. Utrecht is more like Amsterdam with lots of pedestrians, bicycles and cars everywhere. It has lots of neat architecture. We hope to climb a tower tomorrow. Today we took a bus to an Air force museum. It had many airplanes and helicopters and all were used in the Netherlands in one way.

Tomorrow in the afternoon we head to Katwijk aan Zee to meet Erin’s uncle, his girlfriend and his cousin.
More pictures to come when I get a chance.


On Sunday we left Amsterdam and took a train ride to Maastricht. It is about a 2.5 hour train ride to the South East of Holland. It is in between Belgium and Germany. It is a very nice city and is very slow paced compared to the fast pace of Amsterdam. During the train ride we were in the wrong half of the train and it was splitting so at one stop we had to quickly run to the right part of the train and just made it in time.

With Erin I hand-washed my laundry. The hostel had no laundry and we didn’t see any laundromats nearby. We have walked around town a lot, it has old fortress walls in various places, canals and a river. It is quite neat.

On Monday we did a guided tour of a cave/tunnel near Fort Sint Pietersburg. The guide was very good and nice. It was mostly in Dutch but sometimes in English for us. It was a really neat cave. Basically everywhere the ceiling was above my head. (Not above the heads of all the Dutch) We also did a walk around the area and it is picturesque with rolling hills, little farms, forests and water.

Today we rented bikes and biked out to the Belgian town called Neer Kanne, we decided to bike a bit further and went to Lanaye where we ate at the Le Petit Grande and I had a sandwich that had smoked salmon, smoked shrimp, hard boiled eggs, ham and cheese on it. After finding our way back we went to the museum, Bonnefatenan, it has lots of mostly dutch art in a huge building. It was quite neat and had lots to read in pamphlets. I think they switch up the art fairly regularly there.

We leave for Utrecht tomorrow and will hopefully do a canal cruise in Maastricht before we leave.

Amsterdam Part 2

On our second last day in Amsterdam we went on an hour long canal cruise that was a good way to see different parts of the city and get a little background on some stuff. There was a recording in Dutch, English and German. In the afternoon we went to the Anne Frank House. It was very well put together and had lots of info and original diary’s but was sad too.

On that Saturday for supper we had dutch pancakes. Which are quite large and thin compared to our pancakes and we chose to have apple and cinnamon on them. Very tasty. I have been having beer with a lot of my meals as it is around the same price as other drinks.


My flights all went smoothly and early Wednesday morning a tired me was greeted by a tired Erin. It was really good to see her again. We planned what we wanted to do that day. Our first order of business was to get a train from the airport to Amsterdam Central. The airport has a train station that many trains go through, it took us a while to find the right train on the right track but we did eventually. We then found a tram, got off at the right spot and made it to our hostel. We have a nice 2 bed hostel room to ourselves and it has been fairly quiet.

Since we were pretty tired we walked around the central area, looking at all the different things to see and taking photos. It is so green and lots of flowers everywhere. We managed to stay up for the May 4 remembrance day ceremony at Dam Square. It was neat too see but all in Dutch! We stayed up for a bit longer before collapsing into our beds.

On Thursday May 5 we went to the Artis zoo. We had a perfect day for it, cool but not too cool and not too hot. We took lots of pictures and had fun. We even got to take a survey about our experience at the zoo when we were done.

Friday we went to the Rijkmuseum and the Van Gogh museum. No pictures were allowed in them but there was some quite interesting paintings in them.

I hope to get some pictures up later but not sure when. That is all for now. More to come later!

To Holland I go!

Well I get to go on vacation again. One more day of work then I am off to Holland on Tuesday. I am going with Erin and we will be there for close to 3 weeks. I look forward a lot to the trip and seeing Erin again. I will update my blog with what I have been up to and pictures when I can upload them.