All posts by pfink

New camera lens!

I got a new lens! I had some money from Christmas and decided this would be a nice way to use it. It is a 35mm prime lens. It should be good for lower light pictures and pictures with a fast shutter speed. It can also do neat blurring on unfocussed parts of the picture. I bought it from futureshop (I had a gift card) and price matched the lens and a filter to make it a good price!

Yesterday I took some practice pictures with it inside. Today I went for a nice walk and took some outdoor ones. Click the link to see the pictures. Continue reading New camera lens!

Fish Creek and Pet photos

These photos are a little late going up but better late than never.

I spent the time being busy mostly. For these photos I learned to to remove some green cat eye (instead of red eye) from one of the photos. I also wasn’t always sure with some of the photos when I adjusted them what I liked better for looks.

The pictures can be seen below. The first bit is from a nice walk near the weather. The second bit is some pet photos. Continue reading Fish Creek and Pet photos

Toronto Trip

I had a quick trip to go and see Erin for a bit. I left work a little early on Friday and got back late on Monday. I took Monday off instead of Friday for Remembrance day as Erin was off of school on Monday.

To get to the airport I decided to try jetset parking. It is right near the airport. Booking online the wepark was the same price as the youpark so I did that. I had a fairly smooth drive, dropped off my car, I could even check in my bag and caught a shuttle right away to the airport and could then go right to security. Security was quite busy but they had all the lanes open and it didn’t take too long. I had a hamburger at Montana’s for supper with some ok potato salad. The flight was full and it we got on and left basically on time.

I watched some curling and cfl that was on the flight and maybe drank too much club soda and water as I really had to pee after we landed and there was really no bathrooms until after you picked up your bags. Just one toilet and a big line. It seemed to take forever for my bag to come. Once I got it, I could go see Erin and try to find a bathroom! The close one was closed so we had a ways to go before I could relieve myself.

We found a taxi and made our way to Erin’s. The next day we had an easy morning, followed by some dress shopping for Erin. I got to talk to a guy that had two daughter’s and a wife and wasn’t so happy to be clothes shopping. I also bought a new cheap belt to replace mine that is falling apart. After Erin found a nice dress we did some grocery shopping and she had 4 hands instead of her normal 2 to bring food back. We made a nice supper of chicken mole, yellow rice and squash. It was very tasty. We watched an episode of Nikita that I brought for Erin as her Uncle’s house was in it. I will have to visit his place some time it seems very nice.

On Sunday we went to the zoo and had beautiful weather. We took the subway and 2 buses to get to the zoo. It all went very smoothly. We did not have to wait very long at the connections For some reason when we got to the zoo there was a long lineup to get in. I don’t think they were expecting as many people to come as did. They had a promotion with groupon that made the tickets quite cheap. The layout of the zoo was not how I remembered it. It was as big as I remembered it. We did not see the whole zoo. I took lots of pictures which you can see below. We had a nice lunch at the zoo and took more pictures in the afternoon. On the way back we took one bus and multiple subway trains. It took about the same time as in the morning. For some reason the heat was just blasting on the bus and we were glad to get off it. It made me remember some of my old school bus days when the heat was on! At night we watched Chicken Run. It was my first time seeing it and I quite enjoyed it.

For supper we went to a nice restaurant with in walking distance of Erin’s place called the Butler’s Pantry. I had a slice of vegetable curry pie with salad that had a good dressing made in house. The pie kind of reminded me of a giant samosa. I was quite happy with it. Erin had a zucchini cake. We shared a dessert of a chocolate cake. It wasn’t too sweet and also good but maybe a little bit too much.

Since we didn’t get enough walking in at the Zoo and the day before we decided to walk again. This time we walked to the University for Erin to drop off some papers. We then walked towards Yonge St. We stopped at a sandwich place for lunch. It had fried vegetables and mushrooms on a big bun and I got turkey on it. I enjoyed it but it was a little greasy for me. We walked down Yonge to Queen St. W. On Queen we stopped at a Starbucks for coffee and to sit for a bit. Erin saw a yarn store that looked interesting. It was called Romni and was giant. I have never seen so much yarn before!

We walked to Ossington where we caught a bus as we needed to get back to Erin’s and were tired. We had a nice salad for supper using the leftover chicken mole and also nuts and berries and goat cheese. Oh Erin also introduced dutch rusks to me. They were quite tasty and not too hard or crunchy. They are messy with crumbs though. We also had salsa and chips.

We took the subway and bus to get to the airport. We made quite good time and there was basically no line for security. My flight left and arrived a little early which was nice. It was basically full. There wasn’t really anything good on tv and TSN didn’t come in for most of the flight so I only watched a little of the Monday Night NFL game. Futurama was on that was good. I was quite hungry on the plane so I bought a macrobar. They are vegan bars. It was interesting. I was hoping it had more protein than it did. I doubled up on my snacks and didn’t drink as much water this time.

My bag came quite quickly, the shuttle was there right away for me and I barely had to leave the door. My car was running and waiting for me when I arrived. The drive back was smooth and quiet. I was glad there has been no snow yet. All in all it was a great trip!

See my photos of the zoo below Continue reading Toronto Trip

Beautiful Fall Day

Today was a beautiful fall day here in Edmonton. It got over 30! So I decided to go outside for a bit and enjoy the outdoors. There must have been some sort of police type ceremony at the legislature grounds because there was lots of various police, rcmp, etc all dressed up fancy leaving the grounds.

I took some pictures of the grounds starting to change and you can see them below Continue reading Beautiful Fall Day

Indian Baked Chicken

Yesterday I decided to try and make an Indian dish from the cookbook that Erin got me.
I saw a roasted chicken one stuffed with rice that sounds good. Instead of getting a whole chicken I used boneless skinless chicken strips and marinated them with the sauce. I then baked the chicken and started to prepare the rice and sauce for the rice. When the chicken was mostly cooked, I added the rice and baked it for a bit longer.

I only had some mini disasters as I was making it!

It turned out pretty well. Next time I make it I think I would add some cayenne pepper or something as it wasn’t spicy hot.

Edit: I added the recipe to the comments

To see the results look below Continue reading Indian Baked Chicken

Oldest Tree in Alberta

This is the 3rd post of 3 from the August long weekend.

Erin’s dad and brother went on a 120km hike for 10 days or so and we were their designated people to pick them up. So instead of the busy 3 hour trip up the number 2 we took the roundabout way through the mountains. It took 10 or so hours but lots of nice views!

After picking Erin’s dad and brother up at the icefields centre, on our way to Rocky Mountain House we stopped at Whirlpool point. Near the whirlpool is Alberta’s oldest tree which is over 1000 years old. I took some pictures of it and the area around it. On the way back we also saw a small black bear munching on some grass. I didn’t get any pictures of it. Some people were doing their best to try to get a physical from the bear.

See pictures below Continue reading Oldest Tree in Alberta

Calgary Zoo

This is post 2 of 3 from the August long weekend.

On the Saturday we went to the Calgary Zoo. It was a nice day, hot but not too hot.

Lucky for us maybe but not for Jaclyn she had to work that day. We got to hear her do a talk about the elephants, touch some elephant poo that was covered and hold part of a tusk. Tusks weigh a lot!

Jaclyn also showed Erin and I around the butterflies and the caterpillar tree.

We then got to follow Jaclyn as she set up for a bat presentation. She gave a little talk and would answer people’s questions while showing Sundar. She was a nice big fruit bat.

It was a nice day at the zoo we got to see some neat things. A tiger was running, a tiger sleeping with his feet up in the air and looking very happy. The male lion was roaring and moved around a little bit. Grizzly and black bears were moving around and taking a bath.

See part 1 photos below. Click on one of the photos to see them all Continue reading Calgary Zoo

Strathmore Heritage Days

This is post 1 of 3 from the August long weekend.

Friday after working half the day and lunch, Erin and I drove down to Strathmore. We got to see the same storm twice. Once when we were driving through Airdie. The rain was very big and close to hailing. It was very dark. Just as we got to Strathmore it started to storm again. We hid in the shelter of the grandstand while it rained. The temperature dropped a lot. It cleared up pretty quickly and we dried our seats off and had good weather for the rest of it. It was a little cool in the grandstand.

The rodeo went well. The announcers talk non stop and there was lots of events I hadn’t seen before. Like teams try to catch a wild horse, put a saddle on it and ride it. Kids had to do something with a pony. The animals didn’t always want to go back out of the ring providing laughs for everyone.

The chuckwagons were very exciting as always. There were some very close races and just general chaos as they go around the barrels.

See below for photos.
For most of the photos, I fixed them up a bit and there is a cropped and non cropped version of them.
Continue reading Strathmore Heritage Days


So after many years I finally went camping in a tent again. On Friday we went to Elk Island. The weather was pretty good but as expected the mosquitoes were vicious. Friday night was mostly spent building a fire and making sure that it stayed lit. The wood was a little damp so it took a long time to get going. When it finally got going it was time for bed and waiting for it to go out.

The next day we went on a nice hike. It wasn’t quite what we were expecting though. It was basically paved all the way. It was still fun and pretty and a good way to break in my hiking boots some. There were a ton of dragonflies. Swarms of them everywhere, I guess they were getting their fill of mosquitoes. They did not seem as bad on the hike. For lunch we had lunch in a nice picnic area. It was about 1km from the parking lot and very nice. We were the only ones there.

After hiking we came back to Edmonton, cleaned up, made a quinoa salad and were off to a small work bbq. It was quite good, lots of good food, wine and company.

See pictures of the trip below
Continue reading Camping!