From July 18th to July 20th I went camping with Geoff, Abril and Geoff’s friend Hui.
We had a good time. The weather was pretty good. One night/morning it rained pretty good and the tent leaked a little but after that it was all good.
We did lots of hour or so long hikes. We even got to go in a voyageur canoe with a bunch of other people and went around part of the lake. It was free and they had other events going on as well at the park.
See the pictures below[smugmug url=”″ title=”2014%20July%20Camping” description=”2014-07-18%20to%202014-07-20″ imagecount=”178″ start=”1″ num=”178″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”false” sort=”false” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]