Calgary Zoo Winter Time

After Christmas on a cold sunny day we went to the zoo. Our main goal was to see the Penguins, Tigers and Hippos.
We were successful in all accounts. The penguins weren’t busy because it was so cold and we could stay there as long as we wanted.
The tigers were running and walking around and let us get some pictures. Once we got cold we went indoors and our lens all fogged up!
The hippos were eating and swimming once done. I guess they don’t have to wait!
I got some quite good pictures I was happy with the results.

Click below to see the pics
If you click on the pictures you can find two videos. One is of a hippo swimming and jumping and the other is of some penguins walking.
[smugmug url=”″ title=”Calgary%20Zoo%20End%20of%202012″ description=”2012-12-27″ imagecount=”157″ start=”1″ num=”157″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”false” sort=”false” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]

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