On Saturday was my company Christmas Party and Erin won a reindeer full of Chocolate and goodies! On Sunday we went to Erin’s parents and they gave us a live tree. A Norfolk Island Pine to be exact.
Click below to see pictures.
[smugmug url=”http://gallery.pfink.ca/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=27163535_RzpGD8&format=rss200″ title=”New%20Tree” description=”2012-12-17″ imagecount=”3″ start=”1″ num=”3″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”true” sort=”false” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]
Love the pictures. Erin is continuing in you tradition of winning something at the Christmas party 🙂 Very nice Christmas tree.