Ninja Cookies

Yesterday with Aidyn we made some gluten free cookies. His mum made the dough and we rolled it out, cut, baked and decorated them. We used the ninja cookie cutters I got from Erin and also an Easter egg and Easter bunny one.

Below you can see some of the results of my cookies:
[smugmug url=”″ title=”Cookies” description=”2012-03-24″ imagecount=”1″ start=”1″ num=”1″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”false” sort=”false” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]

Legislature at night

Geoff and Abril came to visit me while Erin was here. We went to see the Legislature at night and I took some pictures with my new lens. It takes some pretty good pictures. I think I need to turn some lights off on the camera when shooting dark things. There are some “lights in the sky” that I think are coming from the camera.

Erin and I also bought a new tent. It seems quite nice and we had to test it out by building it in my apartment.

See pictures below Continue reading Legislature at night