New camera lens!

I got a new lens! I had some money from Christmas and decided this would be a nice way to use it. It is a 35mm prime lens. It should be good for lower light pictures and pictures with a fast shutter speed. It can also do neat blurring on unfocussed parts of the picture. I bought it from futureshop (I had a gift card) and price matched the lens and a filter to make it a good price!

Yesterday I took some practice pictures with it inside. Today I went for a nice walk and took some outdoor ones. Click the link to see the pictures. Continue reading New camera lens!

Fish Creek and Pet photos

These photos are a little late going up but better late than never.

I spent the time being busy mostly. For these photos I learned to to remove some green cat eye (instead of red eye) from one of the photos. I also wasn’t always sure with some of the photos when I adjusted them what I liked better for looks.

The pictures can be seen below. The first bit is from a nice walk near the weather. The second bit is some pet photos. Continue reading Fish Creek and Pet photos