We managed to make it to Utrecht and found our hostel. Streets are always fun to find and when you have a big backpack on it gets even more fun.
In Maastricht we did do the canal cruise which we weren’t overly impressed with but did another cave/tunnel tour in a different spot and it was excellent! The guide got to do the tour in English because there was only a couple from Quebec, us and a guy from Malaysia who lived in Australia. The guide did a great job and had a lot to say.
After the tour we took the train to Utrecht. Utrecht is more like Amsterdam with lots of pedestrians, bicycles and cars everywhere. It has lots of neat architecture. We hope to climb a tower tomorrow. Today we took a bus to an Air force museum. It had many airplanes and helicopters and all were used in the Netherlands in one way.
Tomorrow in the afternoon we head to Katwijk aan Zee to meet Erin’s uncle, his girlfriend and his cousin.
More pictures to come when I get a chance.
You just never know if a tour is going to be good or not. Sounds like you really lucked out with the cave/tunnel tour with few people and in English!
Finding addresses is especially fun in a foreign language with the packback making the added degree of difficulty 😉
packback! 😉
Guess I need some help with English too 😉