
My flights all went smoothly and early Wednesday morning a tired me was greeted by a tired Erin. It was really good to see her again. We planned what we wanted to do that day. Our first order of business was to get a train from the airport to Amsterdam Central. The airport has a train station that many trains go through, it took us a while to find the right train on the right track but we did eventually. We then found a tram, got off at the right spot and made it to our hostel. We have a nice 2 bed hostel room to ourselves and it has been fairly quiet.

Since we were pretty tired we walked around the central area, looking at all the different things to see and taking photos. It is so green and lots of flowers everywhere. We managed to stay up for the May 4 remembrance day ceremony at Dam Square. It was neat too see but all in Dutch! We stayed up for a bit longer before collapsing into our beds.

On Thursday May 5 we went to the Artis zoo. We had a perfect day for it, cool but not too cool and not too hot. We took lots of pictures and had fun. We even got to take a survey about our experience at the zoo when we were done.

Friday we went to the Rijkmuseum and the Van Gogh museum. No pictures were allowed in them but there was some quite interesting paintings in them.

I hope to get some pictures up later but not sure when. That is all for now. More to come later!