They awoke hungry around supper time and decided to walk and find a nearby restaurant. Eru was happy that they had nothing planned and he could relax for a bit and relieve some of the stress that was building up inside of him. He was too hungry to worry about what was next, They could worry about that they later when they had time to digest the information and food of course.
The restaurants that they had remembered were further away then they recalled or they were just really hungry. Spotting a fast food restaurant, Charmalina pointed it out to Eru. That would be perfect he thought. He didn’t want to wait for food or a place to sit. He could eat a lot here and feel satisfied.
Charmalina and Eru crossed the road to get to the restaurant. As they did so Charmalina thought someone was following them. She looked around before they entered the restaurant, she couldn’t see anyone that was following them. There was no one that looked familiar to her. Was her mind playing tricks on her, she wondered to herself. She would let Eru know about it as they ate.
They waited in line to order their food. Eru wanted a couple of burgers, with fries on the side and a drink. This place looked better than Eru thought it would be. It wasn’t a chain restaurant and all the food was made as ordered and if you wanted take out you could wrap it up yourself. Charmalina decided to get the same thing as Eru without knowing it. They laughed about it and were at the front of the line and ordered. Eru’s stomach grumbled in anticipation.
The food came quickly enough and they found a place to sit and eat. After they finished their first burgers’ in seconds, Charmalina brought up how she had felt someone was following them when they crossed the road to get here.
“Are you feeling that someone is watching us or following us now?” Eru asked as he scanned across the restaurant trying to not look obvious that he was searching for someone. He didn’t see anything overtly strange.
“Not right now”, Charmalina said munching on some fries, “It might have been nothing we’ve been under a lot of stress lately.”
“Ya just a little bit”, Eru laughed, “Don’t let it bother you but also don’t ignore it if it happens again.”
“I’ve been thinking about Basq”, she replied, “Now that I have had some rest and some food, it just doesn’t make sense what he did. We know where we can find him, do you think we should pay him a visit?”
“That’s a good question. It might have been something to do with what time it was but there was no way he planned to be at that spot at that time. He disappeared so quickly”, Eru spoke and thought about it while he finished he second burger. He tried to slow down how fast he ate.
“Ya, we are still no closer to figuring out who is causing all these problems and why.”
“Oh yeah that is what we were working on.” Eru said as Charmalina laughed at him.
Charmalina continued on, “The bombing of Brown’s residence was reported as another terrorist attack. No terrorist group would have those weapons and be able to use them so well unless it was a military or it was given to them.”
“Agreed.” Eru finished his food and shook his drink to see if it was really empty. Just ice was left at the bottom.
Charmalina was done too, “Lets go back to the hotel and try and get some more rest and get our bodies back on schedule. We can figure out what we want to do tomorrow.”
The walk back was uneventful. Charmalina was hoping that she might see if someone was following them. They arrived back in their hotel room and noticed that someone had entered it while they were gone. It was unlikely to be the hotel staff. Slowly opening the door, Eru saw two figures sitting down, waiting for them he assumed. He recognized them as two high up members of the council.
Oooh, are they in trouble? Or will the council members give them more information? Or??????
I like the line “digest the information and food of course.” very clever 🙂
i wonder if they were being followed or if Charmalina was just stressed… and what will the council members say?…. hmmm….