Mmm mmm good

They awoke hungry around supper time and decided to walk and find a nearby restaurant. Eru was happy that they had nothing planned and he could relax for a bit and relieve some of the stress that was building up inside of him. He was too hungry to worry about what was next, They could worry about that they later when they had time to digest the information and food of course.
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Raindrops keep falling on my head

Eru and Charmalina scurried to the edge of the freeway. Eru’s heart slowed down when he didn’t have to worry about getting hit by something. They jumped over a divider and leaned against it. The rain was still coming down but the thunder and lightning had stopped.

“Do you know where we are?” Eru asked Charmalina. He tried to get his bearings. There were a number of freeways around and he couldn’t see far into the distance.
Continue reading Raindrops keep falling on my head