They made their way through a maze of hallways and rooms. Eru wasn’t sure how long he could remember the way back. Hopefully Basq had an exit plan. There was no one around the rooms were empty and guards didn’t seem to be in this area yet. Eru was beginning to warm up and he was mostly dry now.
Basq motioned for them to stop. There was a large round room ahead with a high ceiling. Guards were positioned around the room. The room was dark but lit up with each lightning strike. Some large doors were closed and protected by many more guards.
“I guess we need to get into those doors?” Charmalina whispered to Basq.
He nodded, “Here put these on,” He handed some small gas masks to Charmalina and Eru and put one on himself. He took a couple of smoke grenades out and got ready to throw them.
Eru and Charmalina put there masks on. A flash of lightning lit up the room. Once it got dark again Basq threw the grenades to opposite sides of the room. As the thunder boomed the grenades went off. He pointed them to one side and ran to the other side. Eru with Charmalina beside him went to the side Basq pointed at. Guards started to yell and cough as smoke filled the room. Gunfire went of aimlessly.
Hugging against the wall Eru and Charmalina came up behind some disoriented guards. Wrapping their arms around the guards they got control of the guards’ guns and knocked them down to the ground. They picked up the guns and continued along the wall.
Shots were still heard coming from the direction of the large doors and the side where Basq went. A scream was heard, someone got hit by the stray gunfire. The smoke was starting to clear. Another flash of lightning showed hazy figures scrambling around preparing for a counterattack.
Eru and Charmalina got down behind some cover and fired at the group of guards at the large door. The guards ducked and found their own cover. No guards seemed to be around the room, they had fallen back to defensive positions covering the doors.
Basq had found his own cover and had line of sight with Eru and Charmalina. He motion them to cover their ears and close their eyes. He pulled out a flashbang, released the pin and threw it towards the group of guards.
A blinding light followed after it hit the ground a couple times and went off. Bang a deafening noise went off. Basq charged the position and Charmalina and Eru ran to it from the other side.
Some of the guards were stunned and got knocked out with punches as everyone arrived. Quickly the rest of the guards regained their composure and started hand to hand combat. Eru didn’t have to think he just let his training take over. A punch came towards him, he deflected it away, counter punched and threw him down onto the ground.
A guard came from behind and started to choke him. He kicked the attacker’s shin and got the choke loose enough where he could throw the attacker over his shoulder into the wall with a loud thud.
Charmalina fought with a different style but was equally efficient and brutal with her attackers. One attacker’s arm snapped as she used him as a shield when another guard tried to attack her. They both went to the ground together with loud screams.
Basq had been doing well until three guards ganged up on him as he was stuck in a choke. Eru and Charmalina rushed towards him catching two of the attackers by surprise. Basq finished off the guard choking him by landing on him as they fell to the ground.
The guards in the room were all incapacitated. They went to the large door and tried to open it. It was locked. They needed a key. The searched the bodies quickly for a key. More guards would be coming soon and they couldn’t let Brown escape. Charmalina found a broken key and tried it. No luck. Eru found a key that wasn’t broken and the door unlocked with a click.
They slowly opened the door to look inside…
You do like your cliffhangers;)
dun dun dun….