
Basq introduced himself to the table. Eru and Charmalina gave their names to Basq. Eru wondered what his job really was. He decided at this point in time he was a truth seeker. The deeper he got into finding what was going on, the less he seemed to know. Lost in his thoughts, Charmalina started to explain what they had seen earlier with Basq and Senator Stillman.

Eru noticed that Basq seemed a little caught off guard that someone had witnessed him with Senator Stillman. Basq quickly covered up the suprise in his face and Charmalina went on stating that they just wanted information.

“What kind of information?” Basq asked.

“We want to quietly find out who is paying for these attacks and why they are doing them.” Eru replied to Basq.

“Well I don’t know why, I never do. I make a point of it. I just want the appropiate funds for my services. I am neutral as I can be.” Basq sipped some tea.

“And the who?” This time Charmalina asked.

“That’s the interesting part. I can’t exactly just give you names, my clients wouldn’t like it. They pay for that kind of trust.” Basq asked if the others wanted their tea cup filled and filled his cup up. Some more hot tea arrived as the kettle emptied.

“We’d pay for this information, we don’t need to know the specifics, just who we can shake a little.” Charmalina countered.

“Normally I would be interested in an offer like that. It would be expensive though. If you had that kind of money you must have some big clients. Right now though, I need to get my fees that Senator Stillman left unpaid. It’s not a trivial sum and more importantly people need to know that they cannot default on a payment and get away with it.” Basq blew onto his hot tea.

“The Senator is dead.” Eru lied he didn’t really know. “What else are you going to do? We can pay you and at least you will get some money.”

“Can you guys handle yourself in a fight?” Basq asked. Charmalina and Eru wasn’t sure where Basq was going with this.

“Ya we can hold our own.” Eru said hesitantly.

“Well I have some suspicions of who the Senator was working with. If you came with me you might find something out.”

“I thought you mostly worked alone?” Charmalina asked.

“Mostly I do, don’t try to double cross me though.” Basq meant the last part they could tell.

“What would we have to?” Eru wondered aloud.

“This is going to be dangerous. I am not going to lie about that. Fighting would be involved. Weapons that you bring will be limited unless we pick something up as we go. Dress so you can hide, fight and fit into a crowd. Here, be at this spot and the time indicated tomorrow if you are interested.” He handed them a piece paper. “I have to go now your food will be taken care of.”

Eru and Charmalina finished their tea, left a tip and left. A cab was waiting for them. They sat in the cab mostly silent thinking about their decision. They weren’t sure if they could trust the cab driver. Some idle talk filled the trip back to their hotel.

Once back at the hotel they discussed it. Was it a trap? Could they afford not to try the opportunity. How far could Basq be trusted? They decided they would try, they could always run at the first sign of trouble.

The meet up was tomorrow evening. That would give them time to scout the location and pick up gear. Feeling full with a busy day tomorrow they went to bed. Sleeping well for what seemed like the first time in ages.

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