Fine Dining

Charmalina knew that Basq was a famous bounty hunter. He was a true professional. He played no games unless you tried something on him. If you didn’t pay him what you said you would, you would pay the consequences. Through some contacts they found that Basq frequented a club in the city and you could talk to him there. That’s where they would go, they just wanted information about the senator. No one had even tried to arrest Basq before as there was no proof of what he did and he was rumored to have good lawyers and connections everywhere.

The club was on the other side of the city. They needed to get some more formal clothes before going to the club. It was a nice club for the rich, Basq had his own area just for him and whoever he allowed. Eru and Charmalina got some more cash out. They would need it for the clothes and probably to pay Basq.

Eru was first to get his clothes. They found a nice black suit for him. It fit well and was quickly tailored on the spot to fit him even better. He made sure to get it sized correctly so he could fight in it if need be. After looking at a few stores for Charmalina she found a red dress that fit her like a glove and needed no alterations.

Back at the hotel they ordered a cab and fixed themselves up. They packed a few small weapons that would go unnoticed. With a gun or a knife they wouldn’t get into the club without sneaking in somehow. Talking about how the conversation with Basq should go they decided to meet with him together rather than separately. It did tip their hands that there was two of them but Basq would probably figure that out anyways.

The cab arrived and some idle chit chat with the driver passed the time as they slowly went through the traffic to the club. When they got to the neighborhood that the club was located in everything became nice. The roads were smooth without potholes, there was less traffic on them. The city noise changed to peaceful sounds, parks separated buildings. Tolls were required to get in except if you were rich and owned something inside then you didn’t need to pay the toll.

They arrived at the club, parking was limited to people who owned a stall. The club was underneath the ground and on top of it was a forested park. Strolling through the park lead to a nicely lit tunnel that went down into the club.

A maître d’ welcomed them in. He asked them where they would like to sit. Charmalina asked for Basq’s area. He let them know that Basq wasn’t in now but should be in sometime tonight. They got some menus and decided that they should eat while waiting for Basq. They ordered some wine and sipped on it as they looked at the menus.

Eru was starving. He thought Charmalina would be too. They hadn’t eaten much since arriving in the capital city and certainly not a nice meal. This would be a treat. They ordered similar meals. The food was all locally grown from around the capital city region. The menu changed with what was in season and which chef was currently there.

The club was large. At the other end of the club people danced, gambled and watched sports. There was a nice ambiance it didn’t feel empty nor did it feel packed. Charmalina talked about the news, sports and entertainment that was being shown. Someone or multiple people most likely would be spying on them.

Smiles formed on their faces as the food arrived and they began to eat. They had generous sized servings. The food was delicious and they both tried to slow themselves down from eating too fast. The meat, the sauces, the vegetables were all cooked to perfection and tasted even better in combination to one another.

They cleaned their plates and the maître d’ came by with a dessert menu. As they were deciding on their choices, Basq and a group of people arrived and began to fill his section up. The maître d’ informed Eru and Charmalina that after dessert Basq would join them for tea and talk with them.

2 thoughts on “Fine Dining”

  1. This is great 🙂 I like how you include so many details.

    I wish I could look at just a few stores and find a red dress that fits like a glove 😉

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