Time stands still

Eru woke up in a new hotel. He had slept fine but had a nagging sensation all night that he was being chased. They were in a different part of the city now. They ditched their stolen police vehicle and made a round about way using public transportation and walking to eventually end up here. They had stopped for some money and other items that they had stored around the city. Charmalina was awake now too.

“We can’t stay here long”, she said to Eru.

“I know but where do we go? I guess we now know that the council has a part in these attacks and our arrests. Do you think we can trust anyone on the council?”

“I don’t think we can not until we can make contact with all of them. We need to get into a meeting with all of the council together”, Charmalina got some water from the fridge and drank some.

“That’s not going to be easy but you are right. They would never expect us to get there. Maybe we can force their hands and figure out what that password and this whole situation is about.”

“There is a big political gathering and dinner happening in a few days at a retreat outside of the city. Hopefully we can infiltrate it and bargain with them just before it starts.” Charmalina finished her water, “Are you hungry?”

Eru nodded, he was starving in fact. He could use a nice big breakfast. “Time to pack up and go?”

“Yeah, I don’t think we want to stay anywhere for too long. We need to try and blend in wherever we go and not look out of place.” Charmalina did her hair down differently.

They arrived at a nice diner. Eru ordered eggs, bacon, hash browns and everything else that came with it. Charmalina got some pancakes. The food came quickly and hot. It tasted great. Eru felt much better after eating. Over breakfast they decided to take a train to a town that was nearby the retreat.

“Lets hope this train makes it there without an accident”, Eru laughed.

“Ya maybe we should bring some extra water just in case”, Charmalina poked him below his ribs.

No one seemed to be following them and there was no mention of them or the incident in the news. The council must be hiding it from the press somehow. It should help them get around with their faces not everywhere in the news, Eru thought to himself but they still had to be careful.

They went to a train station at the edge of the city. They chose this one as they could avoid the central one and the ride would be shorter. They chose the cheap tickets and would sit with the rest of public. First class would be too noticeable and wouldn’t get them there any faster. It was all on the same train. The train wouldn’t be leaving for a few hours so they bought some magazines to help past the time.

It got harder and harder to wait. Eru felt like someone was watching him, waiting to pounce and arrest him at any moment. He didn’t really think anyone was there but he couldn’t be too sure. He also couldn’t let the nervousness control him. He had to look calm and relaxed. He talked to Charmalina about it. She felt the same way, it would be hard to be a fugitive for a long time, you might lose your mind if you aren’t careful. Finally it was time and the train arrived when it was supposed to. They boarded the train and were anxious to be off and just get to their destination.

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