After getting off the bus and walking up to his place, Eru sensed something was amiss. Someone was in his place or had been in since he was gone. The door was not closed the way Eru had left it. Eru decided to enter as he normally would and put down his book on the floor. He saw the intruder, a scruffy looking guy around his size, and ducked as the intruder threw something at him. They were darts of some kind and missed Eru sticking into the door behind him.
The attacker ran towards him. Eru stayed put getting ready to attack the intruder. Not giving up an inch, Eru threw him down onto the ground over his hip. A loud thud echoed as the attacker landed and quickly blocked Eru’s next attack and rolled away from Eru. The attacker saw an open window and jumped out of it. Eru ran to the window, it was a sizable drop down. The attacker nicely rolled as he hit the ground. The attacker groaned in pain but managed to not break anything Eru thought. The attacker got into a taxi that quickly sped off.
Wondering what that was all about Eru sat in his comfy chair and examined the darts. They had some type of poison in them no doubt. Not easy to come by for the normal person but some one could find them easily enough if they knew where to look. Obviously this wasn’t some random intruder. Eru’s place was the target. Good thing he kept nothing unusual here. He didn’t even have his weapons here. Those were stored in a variety of lockers and mailboxes around the city.
Now his job really began. First the piece of paper dropped in his pocket and then the intruder in his home. Eru got the book and read it for a bit. Lots of action and glamorous girls but nothing that he thought was useful for his case yet. Who was he even going to be spying on? The book captivated him and it was a short easy read. Before he knew it he was done reading the book. Wow he looked at the time a lot later then he had intended on reading for. It would be an early morning to go to work. Eru flicked through the pages of the book. In the last few pages, two were stuck together. He carefully separated them and a piece of sticky paper was holding them together.
On the paper was the same numbers Eru had been given and on the back of the page was an address and a date and time. The time was an hour from now and the place was over an hour away. Quicker at this time of the night though. He took a bus to one of the lockers he had weapons in and took a small gun hiding it in his clothes and put the book in the locker. Taking another bus,Eru could only sit and wait. What was he doing? He hadn’t even stopped to think about it yet. There was no time he told himself. He was doing the right thing he talked in his head to calm him down. A few slow breaths and he felt back to normal. On the outside no one would have seen a change just another person working the night-shift or coming home late.
Looking at the people on the bus he tried to spot if anyone was following him. He didn’t think so though if there were multiple people it would be next to impossible to tell. Eru had a few extra minutes and got off a couple stops early and took a roundabout route to the address. It was a large nightclub there would be many people there. It was situated near many factories and had drink specials just as people got off work no matter the time. It was open all day every day.
Eru entered the nightclub. His gun went undetected. Lots of people were dancing and drinking and having a good time. Eru went up to the bar and ordered a drink. He found a place to sit at the bar and sipped his drink. If someone was looking for him they would have to find him.
Someone tapped his shoulder from behind. He wanted to grab the hand and throw them down or spin around fast and see who it was. Instead he controlled himself and slowly turned around.
“Wanna dance?” A pretty girl around his age asked him.
“Sure.” This could be to get into the meeting and if not would be fun he though to himself. He didn’t like dancing but she was pretty.
Did you know that long ago authors wrote serialized stories in newspapers and people had to wait for the next chapter to come out? Another good one!
I can’t wait to read more! You’re showing a talent!
I’m loving it Paul! keep ’em coming