On Sunday Dec.19 Erin and I drove to Canmore for a couple of nights to see the mountains and do some skiing. We stayed at the Falcon Crest Lodge and had a nice room that even had a full kitchen for us to use.
After we arrived in Canmore we did some grocery shopping. We bought food for supper for another day and lunch when we were skiing and some breakfast food. For the evening we watched the Get Smart movie which we borrowed from the hotel.
We had planned on cross country skiing on Monday but it was quite cold out and the weather looked better on Tuesday so we decided to do some sightseeing instead. We drove up to Lake Louise and stopped for lunch at a little sandwich stop nearby. Lake Louise looked quite nice but it was very cold. We basically just walked to the lake took a few photos and got back in the car. Next on our list was the Banff Gondola. We drove to the gondola and it felt much nicer there. Inside the gondola was quite cool but when we were up at the top, the sun was out and it was warm enough to walk around a bit. We made it to the top of the boardwalk and had very nice views of the mountains. After driving back to our hotel we had a supper of pizza, salad and wine that we bought the day before. To rest in the evening we borrowed Battlestar Galactica Razor and enjoyed it.
On Tuesday the weather was much better so we made up some sandwiches and fruit for lunch and got ready to ski. We went to the Canmore Nordic Centre. We also rented our skiis from there. It was basically the first time I had gone cross country skiing. It was a lot of fun though it took me a bit to get the hang of it. It is a good thing I did not bring my camera with me as I had some pretty spectacular wipe-outs on some of the sections when going downhill. I had a lot of fun skiing with Erin and after a day of skiing we drove back to my parents in Calgary.
The photos I took are below:[smugmug url=”http://gallery.pfink.ca/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=15208049_UXCdL&format=rss200″ title=”Christmas%20in%20Canmore” description=”Dec.19%20-%20Dec.21″ imagecount=”100″ start=”1″ num=”100″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”false” sort=”true” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]