There was no training for Eru. The council just told him where to go and they would contact him later when necessary. Though he did not need to work, Eru decided it was best to get a job to fit in with the locals. He had never been to this city before. It was far larger and busier then most cities but he had been to many a big city for his fights. A big city was easier to fit into he thought. He was just one of many new people arriving to make some money. He quickly got a factory job and a small place to live.
Tonight, Eru would go to the market. He was getting to know the city piece by piece doing normal thing that normal people would do. He walked around taking mental notes of interesting things he saw. Some days it would be alleyways or different routes to take. Other days he would notice people or what the traffic patterns were. It was actually enjoyable so far being a spy. Eru laughed to himself letting a smile escape on the outside.
Eru waited patiently at the transit stop waiting to get picked up. He could have walked but decided to take public transportation to save some time as well as figuring out the system. This transportation system was more random then some others that he had used. No maps of where things went or times when they would come. People seemed to know what to do though and Eru would eventually figure it out he hoped.
The packed vehicle arrived and Eru got on squishing his way through to the middle. The vehicle started to move, the air was dead still inside the vehicle and it stank of sweaty people. There was air conditioning but it was blocked by all the people. Eru felt something drop into his pocket as the bus came to a stop and a mass of people got off and on. He wondered what it was. Was it on purpose or did something just drop by mistake. Was he a little too wound up? He waited a few stops until he arrived in the market.
He walked around almost tuning out the noise and hustle of the market. People calling trying to sell the wares, music blaring competing with other music and people just talking together. Eru found an empty seat by a tree and sat in it. He put his hands in his pockets and felt a small piece of paper. Wow his senses really had been attuned to let him feel that drop into him. Taking out the paper he looked at it.
A few numbers were scribbled onto it. Nothing on the back of it. Eru memorized the numbers and their order and put it back in his pocket. Was it some kind of lock combination dropped into pocket by mistake? Did these numbers mean something? There didn’t seem to be enough of them to be coded into something. Was it a location? Winning lotto numbers of some sort? Eru let it stew in the back burner of his mind as he watched people go by.
He got up to walk around looking at stores and got hungry as the aromas of many foods wafted his way. The noodle place looked and smelled good and had a decent crowd. It looked safe to eat he decided. Getting the food to go, he ate it out of the box. Mmm it was quite good and hit the spot. This market was huge, he would only walk through part of it today.
Now being satisfied by his food, Eru wanted something to drink and walked aimlessly keeping his eyes looking for some fresh juice. He saw an antique book store. Not many people used books these days. Too bulky he guessed. Eru liked to read from them when he could. A price on a book caught his eye. It was one of the numbers on the list. He looked at the book it was some old fiction book about a spy. It looked interesting enough and wasn’t too expensive. Eru paid for it and bought some fresh juice at the store next door.
Eru was near a bus stop that he knew would take him back to his place and started to read the book as he waited. He read the first chapter but could not read anymore. He was thinking about the numbers too much. The book was interesting but not enough to take his mind off the numbers. What could it be he wondered? Now decided in his mind that it was meant for him and not a mistake. Why he decided that he did not know he just felt it in his gut.
WOW! This is my favourite chapter so far. It’s really getting interesting….